For this installation, our first-floor windows were covered with red envelopes. As visitors peeled them away to reveal surprises, they uncovered a stunning artwork by James Jean, creating a moment of discovery and celebration.
Over 1,000 crystal jewels were used to create a piece inspired by traditional Chinese landscape painting. We leveraged lighting and depth to bring the artwork to life, resulting in a dynamic and captivating display.
We used AI to track visitors' movements, bringing digital dogs to life that interacted with them in real-time. This playful fusion of technology and art created a unique, engaging experience for everyone.
We transformed our front window into Long Beach's largest slot machine! Visitors could pull the lever to activate the machine, and if they landed three identical icons, a special prize was dispensed.
What does the mouse love the most? Say... Cheese! We used neon lights to create a trendy, Instagrammable wall that encouraged visitors to snap photos, check in, and, of course, say cheese!
This year, we introduced OOX and transformed the hero ox into 007 James Bond! The custom animation took over the windows of the Edison Theatre building, with OOX walking alongside visitors as they passed by.
For Year of the Tiger, we embraced everything TIGER! From the famous golf player to Frosted Flakes cereal, and we wrapped it up with the iconic song “Who Let the Dogs Out”—because "Tiger" in Chinese sounds just like "Who" "Who"!
This year, we flipped the famous saying “down the rabbit hole” by inviting everyone to jump out of it! We collaborated with an artist to create anamorphic art that appeared flat to the human eye, but from the right angle on camera, it looked like visitors were jumping out of the rabbit hole!
The dragon symbolizes boldness and protection, and that’s exactly what we did! We worked with an artist to bring a giant dragon to life on top of our office building, blessing the entire city of Long Beach for everyone to see.