Our Heartfelt Gift to Long Beach
It goes without saying that 2020 was a tough year for pretty much everyone on the planet. With Covid rates on the rise and so many of us feeling disconnected from our friends and families, we at Intertrend wanted to take this opportunity to create something special for our Long Beach community.
Intertrend's California office is known as the Psychic Temple of the Holy Kiss, and is the second oldest commercial building in Long Beach. Over the years we have activated the ground floor windows in a number of ways, always aiming to bring a bit of joy to downtown Long Beach.
This year, we decided to focus on Clement Clarke Moore's holiday classic "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and create the living room scene from the poem, reminiscent of holiday windows you might see on Fifth Avenue in New York. In the foreground, a giant trompe l'œil storybook invites you in to take a closer look at the window. Behind the book is a charming snowy-white wintry interpretation of a scene from the poem with a few surprise "Easter eggs" nestled in that pay homage to the city and citizens of Long Beach as well as our clients.
To add to the experience, you're invited to activate an AR filter on your smartphone via a QR code. The filter transports you into bed, where you're tucked in, while it's lightly snowing as holiday ornaments dance above your head.
In this year of so much turmoil and feeling disconnected to our colleagues, clients, friends, and family, we wanted to create something that simply felt comforting. Being transported by a magical moment of holiday nostalgia is our way of giving the community a much needed hug. Personally, I used to live in Clement Clarke Moore's old home in New York City, and have happy memories of sitting by the original mantel at Christmas. My husband has read this poem to our daughter every Christmas since she was born. We hope this brings the same feeling of comfort, peace and joy to you as it has for my family and for us at Intertrend.
The window will be on view from December 23 through January 4th at 228 East Broadway in downtown Long Beach. We hope you enjoy our heartfelt gift to Long Beach this holiday season.