Honoring Notorious RBG One Scoop of Ice Cream at a Time
The idea for Honor Ruth ice cream came to us as we were mourning the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. It’s difficult to articulate how much we owe Justice Ginsberg. She was a warrior. She took on all challenges head on. She inspired all of us, women and men alike, by her courage, her bravery and her character. She got to work everyday with all her might, never making any excuses to slack off. She became an example for all of us by reminding us that we must continue to fight for our freedom and our ideals.
Reflecting on RBG’s words, “Fight for the things that you care about. But do it in a way that will lead others to join you,” got us thinking. After looking at the historically low turnout in Long Beach, we started to think about ideas as a creative agency to help encourage people to get out and vote.

I reached out to our friend and neighbor Long Beach Creamery’s Dina Amadril with an idea to create a special limited edition ice cream to celebrate Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Dina started to do some research and came across a recipe for RBG’s favorite dessert, Frozen Lime Souffle, made by Marty Ginsburg, her husband and an accomplished chef. Katie Maleki, Long Beach Creamery’s go-to designer created a special label for the pint that captured Ruth’s essence. On the lid we featured a drawing of RBG by 12-year-old artist Eloise Wong, who is also a member of The Linda Linda’s, a pre-teen all-female punk band. The flavor was officially named Honor Ruth.
Intertrend will underwrite all costs associated with creating Honor Ruth and will be donating all retail sales of the ice cream to ACLU SoCal, an organization RBG loved. On November 3, the day of the election, 200 free scoops of ice cream will be given to those with proof of voting. (100 in Downtown Long Beach and the other 100 in the Bixby Knolls location). Voters will also receive free pins with the image of RBG by Eloise Wong.
It is our fervent wish to honor Ruth by continuing to fight for what is important to us, one ice cream at a time.